Caught With The Cowboys: A Swinging D Dude Ranch Short Page 2
Cade fucked her hard and fast, laying low on top of her. He was rubbing his pelvic bone against her clit under their moving blanket, and she could tell he was already getting close. She sucked harder on Kevin, her eyes tilted up to their voyeur, watching him as he fucked himself, his entire family clueless.
Kevin came first, his grunt giving Rose warning. She took him, swallowing one brother's seed as quietly as she could, almost choking on it as she watched their neighbor cum, too.
As the fireworks lit the sky she watched their neighbor's probably frustrated, married cum shoot high. Spurts of him covered his blanket as his family watched the fireworks show, still unaware.
When his eyes rolled back in his head, the whites only to be seen in the near dark, Rose gave herself up to my Cade's fucking cock. She felt her screams start, and tried to stifle them. She was never very good at cumming quietly, and she sent a grateful prayer up as the fireworks also hit their climax, music and loud explosions mostly covering her orgasmic yells.
As she knew it would, her cumming, squeezing, rhythmic pussy sent Cade finally over the edge. As daring as he was, he was also the quietest among them. Only his last, twitching, jerking movement betrayed him as he filled her hungry pussy with his hot, gushing seed.
As the band and the fireworks came to an end, so did they. By the time the lights turned on, their voyeur had tucked his now empty cock away, his darting glances the only thing possibly giving them away as they straightened up as well.
Clothes pulled back into proper position, faces perfectly intact, their fireworks fuck fest none the wiser to anyone, except the nearby stranger who would probably never see the holiday in the same light, ever again.
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To see how it all began, how Rose met Cade and Kevin-
Enjoy this sample of Claimed By The Cowboys by my newest pen name, Jenny Klaire
"No, Sandy! You can't stay another night. I told you I 'm not looking for forever. I don't need a girlfriend. I don't want a girlfriend. I have been more than up front with you, from the very beginning. You can't say I haven't." Cade said to the tall, willowy blonde he was desperately trying to shoo away.
"I know, but..." She responded, pouting. She heard everything he had said, all week, but she ignored it, thinking she could turn him around. Everyone knew Cade and Kevin Dickerson were the catches of the county, hell maybe even the state. She had her sights on Cade and she wasn't about to let him get away this easy, not after finally securing a place in his bed last night, even if it had been to sleep, and not to fuck.
She had even paid the exorbitant amount the two brothers charged to spend a full week out here, at the dude ranch. She had flirted all week, and finally cornered him during the Friday night barn dance last night, letting him, no practically forcing him, to take her to bed. He finally relented, mainly because she had gotten too drunk to walk herself back to her bunkhouse. She passed out, her goal of bedding the handsome cowboy not quite coming to fruition. But she wouldn't be deterred again, she had every intention of throwing everything she had at the one she considered the hottest, and the easiest, of the two brothers.
But unfortunately, he wasn't having it.
"Look. I told you, this isn't happening. Last night I made it very clear, I don't do locals. I made an exception, letting you sleep it off after you came on like a damn freight train all week. I like my freedom. I have my pick of the poor, lonely housewives dragged out here every week. Or the innocent little virgins tagging along on vacation, looking for an adventure. You know this. Between the dude ranch guests and the, well..." Cade let that trail off, hoping Sandy didn't pin him down on it.
"As a matter of fact, I have another soon to be conquered guest lined up any minute." Cade tried to herd Sandy toward the front door, before his brother Kevin came along, saying I told you so.
"You do not! All the guests go home by eleven. You are lying." Sandy pushed the issue, sure that no guest would show up between now, late Saturday morning, and Monday, when the new crop would start arriving.
Just then the doorbell rang, and Cade sent up a quick prayer of thanks to whomever had chosen that very second to come to the door. As he went to answer it, he hoped to hell it was a woman, or he'd be right back to shoving Sandy out the front door.
When he opened the door, with Sandy still breathing down his neck, he came face to face with a cute redhead. She wasn't his usual type, Cade thought, but she'd do in a pinch. She looked a little lost, with her phone in one hand, opened to what looked to be a map, and she was already starting to gesture with the other as she spoke.
"Hey, umm, I'm not sure just showing up is what you had in mind when you..."
Her freckles stood out on her creamy skin as she stammered, her rosebud lips pursed to form more words when Cade jumped on the miracle that he needed her to be, saying, "You are exactly what I meant when I..." and then he proceeded to close the distance between them. He took her pert face between his hands, slid them into her lush red hair, tipped her very surprised head back, and kissed her passionately on the lips.
He expected her to put up a fight once the shock wore off, since he had no idea who she was or why she was here, but he was pleasantly surprised that she didn't.
He only needed her to stay still long enough to convince Sandy that he had previously arranged for this curvy little cutie to join him this morning, but he hardly noticed when Sandy blew passed him, shrieking, calling him every nasty name under the sun as she tore off down his driveway and out to her car.
No, he was way too involved in kissing the very welcoming lips of whoever this was that rang his doorbell this morning. When he originally aimed his mouth toward hers, it was purely to drive Sandy away. He fully expected a slap across the cheek, or a knee in his groin, but he had the feeling whatever pain this little redhead would inflict would be far preferable to whatever Sandy had wanted him to submit to.
Cade felt something break deep inside the little minx, who was surprisingly kissing him back. She had been understandably stiff when he first bent his head to hers, but that had quickly changed. He felt her lips open to his tongue, timidly at first, allowing his probing, but the questioning response turned to a needy heat within seconds. Her tongue stopped just allowing his advances, and started dancing with his instead.
Before he knew it, her teeth were nipping brazenly at his lower lip, sending waves of desire coursing through his body. He felt his cock start to harden, just from the way she responded to his mouth on hers. He couldn't help it, he backed her up, step by step, until he had her pressed against the warm bricks in his entry way. He heard a soft mewling sound rise up from deep inside her, and his cock responded to her submission. Damn, he had been in full pissed off, gold digger resistance mode not thirty seconds ago, but the primal, needy, almost selfish desire he felt rolling off this hot, hungry woman fed a fire Cade didn't even know he had burning inside of him.
If she'd had a skirt or a dress on, Cade was certain he could have yanked it up and out of the way and taken her right here, and she not only would have been warm and willing, she would have given him a run for his money. He had the feeling they would have fought for the right to be on top, and he wasn't sure if he would have come out ahead, or if he would have submitted to her pent up, finally released desires.
He realized her hands were running up his back, squeezing and exploring their way up toward his shoulders, and then he fought to control himself as they clawed deep into his skin, through his shirt, on their way back down again. He felt her pause at his waist, almost hesitant for j
ust a second before her hands slid down farther, over his jeans, cupping and squeezing his ass before pulling him closer.
He felt the animal need in her as she not only dug her nails into his ass, as far as his jeans would allow, but also rose up on her toes, fitting herself over the rapidly hardening bulge in his pants.
It was Cade's turn to groan, from somewhere deep inside, somewhere no woman had ever managed to reach before. Certainly not a place some hot, short, curvy, needy, little powerhouse of a stranger should have ever been able to reach, just from some convenient kiss in his entry way.
Cade's hands found hers, still clawing their way up his ass and back, and pinned them up above her head, determined to take the lead in whatever the hell this was.
He almost didn't hear his brother come to check out why the front door was gaping open. He did hear Kevin's words though, as he said, "Damn it to hell, Cade. I saw her coming up the drive and came down to yell dibs. Do you know this one, or did she just fall into your arms the second you opened the door?"
Cade reluctantly tore his mouth from the stranger's lips, coming up for air and saying, while looking into the sexiest, cat shaped, heat-clouded blue eyes he had ever seen, "Honestly, I have no idea who she is, or why she's here, but she just saved me from Sandy."
Kevin grunted a deep noise that somehow wrapped understanding, humor, and an I-told-you-so all into one guttural noise.
The redhead spoke then, her eyes taking in each man in turn, still pinned to the brick wall as she said, "I came for the cook position. You know, from the ad?"
Cade smiled down at her, his grin spreading slow as molasses before saying, "You're hired." He let go of her then, leaving her to recover against the wall, staring at his retreating back as he walked into the house and away from both her and his brother.
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Jamie got her start writing fast, hot, erotic short stories that often included two sexy men for each lucky woman. Her stories are hot, steamy, funny, lighthearted erotic shorts and she'd love to share her sexy stories with you.
Jamie has veered off toward now writing longer works- steamy, sexy cowboy romances as Jenny Klaire and paranormal shifter romances as USA Today Bestselling Author J.M. Klaire, so if you like her style here in mostly short form, check out those pen names as well.
All three personalities can be found on one website- There you can sign up for the mailing lists and ARC lists for each of her author personalities.